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Rheidol Restaurant

Out-of-the-way cafe which also sells good cakes for birthdays and special occasions!

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Older Comments about Rheidol Restaurant

"Excellent food! Full of dear old people, but the grub is excellent! Great scones and Welsh cakes too!" - Lee [Oct 2007]

"Their chocolate gateaux at Christmas are delicious." - Anon [Aug 2007]

"Very impressed with Rheidol Restaurant which I found on the website as a cake Supplier in Aberystwyth. Arranged a surprise cake for my son's 19th birthday on Valentine's Day. The cake was collected and delivered by taxi to Pentre Jane Morgan that afternoon and was much enjoyed by my son and his University mates later that evening. Grateful thanks for all your help with this. Will come and visit you when we are next visiting later this year." - Mrs. Joan Cuthbert [Feb 2007]

"Discovered this place in my last year at Aber and will always remember it. Great bargain food and drink and friendly staff." - Kate [Nov 2006]

"Lovely cream and jam sponge birthday cakes. Mmmmmm." - Anon [Aug 2006]

"The ideal place to go if you want a proper Sunday lunch any day of the week. Full of old dears who find the food such good value and so tasty that it's cheaper than cooking at home. Great cakes too - all home made and excellent value. Friendly staff who know most of the customers by name! It's a find!" - Anna T

Useful Information

45 Cambrian Street, SY23 1NZ [Map]
(01970) 612902